We go back to Paris in 2 months, taking our time, visiting friends and families on the road ... We re-acclimate
no title :
Saint Paul de Vence, fondation Maeght

lazyness around the pool Pollux meeting shreck in Cannes

simple "course de vachettes"...

Gard bridge
Visit of Haribo factory in Uzès...for parents also

Fortified village of Templars : the couvertoirade

Thistle: logo of aveyron

amazing Millau bridge

Tree climbing in the gorge of Tarn

Vallon de Villaret :

Association of art, games, tree climbing, ecology ... une belle alchimie A beautiful alchemy

House of sounds... We throw balls through the holes of the facades ... they bounce off objects forming
invredible sounds

Art galery

We remain very long time to admire these bowls through the trees

Move your mouse over the picture

The descent with the bike-rail is extraordinary
and the video 
Visit of the first French paper factory :

Ingredients: cotton and ... ... of water

Mallets who grind of cotton soaked nails on the mallets

Manufacturing sheets

positoning the sheets press

Handmade paper sheets containing flowers ... a nutcase
Annecy :

Summer game


Pollux Noé
Beaune :

Hospital of Beaune

old pharmacy

2 0 0 3 2 0 0 7
Last image ... arrival in paris, 4 years later
The great circle is complete, 125000 km, a daughter and a wonderful experience!