Back to Malaysia we have left a few months earlier. With a group of seven people,
to meet local people is more difficult. We will concentrate this month on touristic places,
turquoise water islands and national parks.
Kota Bharu : the city is quite far from the development of the rest of the peninsula. The malaysians
keep a lot of interest on traditions.

market place

The game of the day consists to find the name of each ingredients in french, english and then in Malay
to know the winners...
the spinner : regional sport
rolling of the throwing rope

energized throw receiving the spinner on the ground
the spinner (around 2,5 kg) can turn 2 hours
Perhantian Island : sun, swimming, beach, dive... and we start again !

boat journey

descent ascent

very stressed dive club discovery of sub-marine life for pollux
Taman Negara National Park :
arriving by train for most of us in the biggest national park of Malaysia,
in the middle of one of the oldest forest of the planet.

la Gazelle waits in the "station"

water ascent during the night... surprise floating restaurants do not have much clients today

hang bridge at 40 meters high
Pulau Tioman : turquoise water, sun, swimming, dive, beach...

auto portrait at 25 meters deep

meeting with thousand of fishes under the jetty...

Pollux Fabienne
by duj 