Copacabana (3850m) :
Reminder of the last episode : we have to leave Peru quite rapidly to avoid the obstructions on the road.
Beginning of this episode : after 3 weeks of very severe blocus, we can at least enter in Bolivia. The whole country
has been blocked with huge shortages; none or nearly of petrol, a few food in the shops...

We only see the rest of the obstructions on the roads...
The bolivian part of the Titicaca lake is much more beautiful than the peruvian one. We arrive directly in a great
peaceful place, in the city of Copacabana (particularly after the obstructions, there is not any tourist !!!)

Pollux and Titus are nearly kidnapped to be on the picture.

Copacabana is the only public beach of Bolivia.

it is really cold with the nightfall
Isla del sol on Titicaca lake :

The island of the sun is for the majority of the incas the origin place for the life... and above all for the sun.
We are between 3850 and 4100 metres high. The air is pure, the sky a limpid blue and the lake wonderful.

Our trek is 10 kilometres long. At this altitude, it is not easy to walk. Pollux and Titus have been real champions.
At a few kilometres from us, rises the royal cordillera... just amazing.

the temple where the sun is born...

alter for human sacrifices... Pollux is scarred and refuses
to climb on it.

crossing of a part of the lake on a ferry... alone on the "ferry" with a small engine.
always.. the royal cordillera.
La Paz (between 3300 and 4100 m) :

We arrive at night in La Pas. We do not find easily a horizontal place to park the truck for the night.
After a long time turning around, we find a very quite place, with plenty of space to park. We stop and get ready
for the night when two policemen knock on the door. They just wanted to know how many people we were.
They leave wishing us a good night. The day after, we realize that we have slept in front of the presidential palace,
the parliament and the cathedral with the security of the presidential guard !!!
plaza San Francisco

The petrol is still not very well distributed, we have to make a little break with our friends drivers to wait for the
Nathalie gets back in La Paz. An arrival directly at 4100 metres high is much too brutal. We have to go down rapidly
(not easy in this country !!!) et leave in direction of Cochabamba, only city below 3000 metres around. the journey
brings us at the altitude of 4400 metres.

plateau at 4200 metres emergency petrol station

always amazing !!!

small village lost in the mountains
sheep's marks
by duj 
