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Argentina -
Land of Fire : Ushuaia  

Carnet of Pollux and Titus

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February 2006



The decent to the South is fast. The landscape is beautiful, but a little bit monotonous. We prefer to arrive as soon
as possible in the Land of Fire before the autumn which can be very cold. We still have great sky.

Just before crossing the Magellanes Strait, small break near the Volcano Azul
first photo with the 5...                                  first photo seated...
  The arrival in Land of Fire is from the North-East. In the
continuity of Patagonia, we drive kilometers of flat country before reaching the south of the Andes Cordillera.
inevitably, we find clouds, wind, rain...even before reaching Ushuaia
Ushuaia :
baseline of Ushuaia : the southernmost city in the world. When you talk about North here, in fact you talk about the
rest of the world !!! Without being unpleasant, there is a city in Chile hat in more in the South : Puerto Williams

The place is just great : canal Beagle, mountains al around, glaciers in the heights, great atmosphere even if we do
not have the feeling to be at the end of the world. There is a huge traffic of cargos, tourists...
              "Tara", boat of Jean Louis Etienne           We are quite far from the rest of the world
              and deceased Peter Blake
Marketing compulsory... the kids have their diploma
Cléobule is fine during her first weeks of travelling with her fan-club
                                               Post office of Ushuaia
Our HQ is at the marina for once. French is there the first language.
Weather is very changeable except for one thing : the wind is always strong !!!
it can rain even if there is not any clouds in the sky
favourite place for Cléobule                               Refill the Gas...very easy every where in South America
Glacier Martial :
              Just above Ushuaia, small trek to reach the Glacier Martial
Ushuaia in front of the Canal Beagle and Chile on the other side
Parque Nacional Tierra del Fuego :
The National Park of the Land of Fire is the end of the Road 3, which comes from Buenos-Aires.
 Great place for the night on the shore of a trout's river  

wild goose of Patagonia (cauquen)                          Pic of Magellanes
  Eagle finishing its rabbit meal

              the beavers, firstly imported for the fur, are very active in the park
  Cormoran near the beaver's dam


                Pollux is fond of climbing the trees...

                                                        ...and take the falls with humour.

                                                  by duj   copyright duj

                                                            copyright duj


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