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Bolivia -
Cochabamba & its activities 

Carnet of Pollux and Titus

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June 2005



Cochabamba (2580m) :

The best way to acclimatize to the altitude is to go down and above all to rest a few days. It is what we do in
Cochabamba, in one of the lowest city of the country except Amazon.
While Nathalie rests, Pollux and Titus try the karting...

                   too small, he does not touch the pedals... tall enough, he tries to concentrate !!!
the two teams are ready to have a race without pity !!! I even do not touch the break pedal...
                                                                      get the mouse on the picture...
Pollux is faster and faster..                                                                 .. sometimes too fast.





  another activity : rodeo

  Titus in video
He will argue the technician who moves he cow, because he can fall !!!
  and Pollux's one 

                                                  by duj   copyright duj

copyright duj  copyright duj

copyright duj  copyright duj


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